“Give to the Lord the glory due His name” — 1 Chronicles 16 : 29


Wed 19th February

Alison Whitesmith

Ladies Meeting

Sun 23rd February

Michael Keates

Gospel Meeting

Sun 2nd March

Steve Scarsbrook

Family Service followed by tea

Wed 5th March

Ruth Orr

Ladies Meeting

Sun 9th March

Roger Pendleton

Gospel Meeting

Sun 16th March

Stephen Taylor

Gospel Meeting

Wed 19th March

Steve Owen

Ladies Meeting

Sun 23rd March

Paul Linnell

Gospel Meeting

Sun 30th March

To be confirmed

Gospel Meeting

Wed 2nd April

Michael and Jean Keates

Ladies Meeting

Sun 6th April

Richard Pilgrim

Family Service followed by tea

Sun 13th April

To be confirmed

Gospel Meeting

Sun 20th April

Jason Pinn

Gospel Meeting