“Give to the Lord the glory due His name” — 1 Chronicles 16 : 29

Our Safeguarding Policy

We are committed to following government and CCPAS guidelines on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and good working practice, including safe recruitment of workers. As a Leadership we recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children. We acknowledge that children, young people and vulnerable adults can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. We accept the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Human Rights, which states that everyone is entitled to “all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”. We also concur with the Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that children should be able to develop their full potential, free from hunger and want, neglect and abuse. They have a right to be protected from “all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s), or any other person who has care of the child.” As a Leadership we have therefore adopted the procedures set out in this safeguarding policy in accordance with statutory guidance. We are committed to build constructive links with statutory and voluntary agencies involved in safeguarding. The rest of Our policy can be read in full from our Safeguard Policy file. You can download it here

Quick Overview

  • There will always be at least 2 DBS/CRB checked adults available to supervise the children.
  • The hall will be made as safe as possible; children will not usually use the kitchen.
  • Parents/ carers will complete a consent form with medical needs and emergency contact details.
  • Children will be registered on arrival and marked off as they are collected.
  • There will be a mobile phone available during the session, parents will be asked to ring if there is any change to the normal collection arrangements.
  • Children will ask permission to go to the toilet, younger children who need extra supervision will be accompanied, and the helper will wait in the hall.
  • In the case of an accident, the appropriate first aid will be administered; medical treatment sought in case of an emergency, the parent will be contacted. In the case of minor accidents the parent/ carer will be informed at the end of the session.
  • Please inform us if your child has any special requirements such as extra attention or allergies.

Useful Contacts

0845 120 45 50

0800 1111

0808 800 5000

0845 120 5204

Stop it Now
0808 1000 900

Mind Infoline
0845 766 0163

Through the Roof
01732 737041

Action on Elder Abuse
0808 800 8141